Sunday, April 29, 2007

f-Stop Workshop

Had a great time this weekend attending the f-Stop workshop up in Boulder. It was hosted by two great photographers, Jenna Walker and James Christianson. They really did a great job putting this course together. We covered a lot throughout the day and spent a good bit of the time actually shooting and not just listening to lectures. The had us shoot in a variety of lighting conditions, shade, direct sun, sunset and flash. I believe they are having another f-Stop Workshop later this year. Take it if you get the chance.

We shot in various situations and had great models to use throughout the day. One of the couples we photographed were actually photographers taking the workshop but volunteered to jump in front of the camera. What a fun couple they were.

Another couple that were models for us were were past customers of Jenna. You could see the love between them all day. They were very patient also which was necessary with all the cameras going off in their faces all day.

Another trooper did an wonderful job modeling. She could really play the camera and kept a smile going all day even in a heavy wedding dress. I got some wonderful shots of her.

Oh, I also want to give a shout out to Jessica for doing a great job on the makeup. You can check her out at The Face Lab. Here's she is doing the makeup for one of our great models.

If you're looking for a nice quiet place to stay at up in Boulder and don't need anything fancy check out this place. It's where I stayed while I was up there, Boulder Mountain Lodge. Here's just a few pictures of the place.

One last picture for fun. There is a trail within walking distance that runs up and down the canyon road. On my way out I pulled over and went down the trail a little ways. Found this little gem hiding in the trees and had to take a picture of it.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed taking them. Again, thanks to Jenna and Jim for putting on a great workshop. Also, thanks to all the other great photographers and models that made this class a success.


Unknown said...

It was good seeing you again man! You gonna try and come up for Paige's party on Friday??

And are the straight out of camera or did yoiu PS em?

WULFPhotography said...

I PS everything but it's just a bump in curves and some sharpening in PS, maybe a dupe layer with Soft Light at about 25% opacity for a couple. Just to kick up the color slightly without being too obvious. No actions or anything like that though. I don't use actions very often right now.

Don't know about Friday. Depends on when I get off work. Might not be until 5:30 that evening and it's about an hour to get up there.

Jenna & Matt Walker said...

it was great meeting you this weekend!! you have such a great eye for photography and I'm so excited for all that is in store for your business in the future - stay in touch!