Sunday, March 25, 2007

Fun little lady

Got to meet this cute little lady recently. Eden likes to ham it up for the camera a little. Here she is getting her hair ready for the big day as flower girl at her Momma's wedding.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Well, I thought I'd introduce you all to Chester. He is my Chocolate Labrador Retriever. He's like having a two year old living in the house. When my daughter stayed with me for a while along with my two year old grandson, they would gang up and get into trouble together. He's currently going to obedience classes since he doesn't have much right now.


Wanted to get a picture of my Grandson Sam up here also. He's three now. Hard to believe. He's also a handful, just ask his mother! We had a ball while I was visiting in Hawaii. Hope to see him again this summer.

My New Granddaughter

I went out in January to meet this little angel. Isn't she beautiful? She's a couple of months here. Was my first time meeting her. I couldn't get out there earlier.

The Day Before

We took a couple of pictures the day before the wedding. They needed a shot for the matte they had for guests to sign at the wedding. This first one they were kind of goofing around but I still like it for some reason. I think it's because Amy looks so nice in it! Now Mitch on the other hand!!! :-)

This is the one they ended up using in the matte.

Here's a guest signing the matte.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Perspective on size

Another photographer wanted to see the actual size of my teacups so I took a shot tonight to get the real perspective of them. Hope to have a little fun with these. I'm planning out a shoot with them now. This is the same cup as the one below.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Tea Cups

Picked up some "tea cups" at Wal-Mart tonight. Going to use these in an Easter shoot for a friend I know. Should be lots of fun. You can see my dogs head way off in the distance, or so it seems. Actually he's about a foot away. The table they are sitting on is made of 12"x12" ceramic floor tiles so you can see how big these actually are. There's a big ladle in one looking like a teaspoon.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Getting Ready

Just wanted to toss one more out there before I hit the hay. It's late or early depending on how you look at it. Here's a shot of Amy and her daughter Eden getting all prettied up for the big day.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Shutter Dragging

I've been trying to get this technique down and I think it's finally coming around. Seems my old marching skills from school have come in handy. Here's a shot of my brother and his fiancé dancing at my nephews wedding I shot recently.

Beautiful day today!

Somewhere in the 70's today. Seems Spring is coming quick here in Colorado Springs. Spent part of the day working in my garage. It's a hopeless mess. I also cranked up the boat. Might even use it this year. It just sat last year.

Took my dog Chester out to the dog park this afternoon. Seems some kids threw a whole bunch of tennis balls into a hollow log out there. Talk about Lab heaven. It took Chester about 10 minutes to decide which tennis ball he wanted to play with. Had the camera with me and took a couple of shots. Here's one of him finding "just the right" ball.

Had a nice sunset today also. Felt good to be outside without a coat and not freezing! Here's a few for you to enjoy.

We're off to see the Wizard

Just going through pictures of the recent wedding I shot and found this little gem. This is the bridal party having a good time at the rehearsal. All we need is a yellow brick road!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mitch and Amy

I had the joy and honor of recently shooting my nephews wedding. Everyone had a great time and the bride and groom looked awesome. Had a little bit of a gangster look going for the groom and his groomsmen. I still think my nephew was born in the wrong time. I could see him back in the roaring 20's having a ball. I'm still a little behind in getting their pictures up. Seems I came down with an awful bug right before the wedding and was not feeling too well and am just getting over it now. Kinda kicked my behind! Still had a great time though. Hope you enjoy a couple of teasers here while I finish up the rest of the pictures.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ran out of room

I had to install a new 250G hard drive in my main computer. Seems the 250G drive in it was filled to capacity. Couldn't do any work until I added more storage space. Right now I'm migrating my Lightroom database over to the new drive and then will be moving wedding and portrait files over next. I guess this means I'll also need another external hard drive to maintain my backups. Photographs sure take up a lot of space! I like to have mine backed up at least in two separate places for any client work. I'm working on an offsite location for storage now. If something happens to your pictures sometime down the road I should be able to recover them for you.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Welcome to WULF... Photography

Hi and welcome to my new blog. My name is Jeff and I am WULF... Photography. I plan on posting goings on and projects as they happen here. This blog is an addition to my new web site at WULF... Photography. If you came here through a different avenue besides my site please feel free to peruse it. I love feedback so feel free to drop me a line while you are here.
